Thursday, December 17, 2009

Five Star Special

This story could have been posted on Yonge Street Texan or here at Fido and Fifi, but since it really happened at a Sanction Match (Learning dog show), I'll recall it here.

Back before the Shar Pei breed was recognized by either the Canadian or American Kennel Club, a fellow named Claude and his partner were breeding Chinese Shar Pei dogs. Claude used to bring his puppies to Obedience Classes at Humber College in Toronto to train them. At the end of each quarter, we would have a potluck and everyone would bring something to place on a table groaning with treats.

Claude was a chef and earned his living preparing food for still and TV advertisements. His first potluck, Claude stepped up to the table and made a rather nasty comment about the humbleness of a dessert called Five Star Special. He assured me that next time he would bring something to dazzle everyone. And so he did . . . to Obedience Class when he was just learning about show dogs.

As time passed, the Shar Pei breed was admitted to Sanction (Learning/Training) Matches and regular shows after they were recognized in the Non-Sporting Group. Claude's dogs would do some very nice winning.

One match I was at, Claude had done very well and had to keep taking his dogs back into the ring. So, Claude was one of the last people to load everything into his van.

As he was hungry, Claude went to the food concession booth where I happened to be standing.

The lady tending the booth informed Claude that she was pretty much out of food. So, Claude asked her what she had left, if anything.

"All I have, sir, is some potato salad and a few hot dog buns."

"Okay, so put some potato salad on a hot dog bun for me, would you?"

In a sport where dog is king and the human is just there, this was a great learning experience for Claude who was embarrassed to say the least!

I wanted to tell you this story today as it just happens I will be taking a bowl of Five Star Special to our Christmas Party for work. Of course, it is similar to what Texans call Ambrosia, but I bet you I will go home with an empty bowl!

Sorry, Claude!

Recipe for Five Star Special

Equal parts of Sour Cream, shredded coconut, mandarin oranges, crushed pineapple and miniature marshmallows. Blend in large bowl, stirring every few hours. Make well in advance so the flavors mingle. Simple enough!