Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Last Climb

After arriving home and putting luggage away, our next stop is always to pick up Buddy the Lhasa at Southwood Animal Clinic.

We parked in a very tight spot, so I waited to help Hubby load Buddy into the back seat.

From my left, about three cars down, emerged a caregiver accompanying an elderly man wearing a bath robe, sturdy shoes and a knee brace. He was using a walker and worked his way carefully up the ramp where the caregiver opened a special side door to admit him.

Was this the last climb he would make up that ramp? Why was he there?

Well, as an observer of people all my life and of dogs for about 33, I think I am envisioning the scene behind that door correctly.

I feel that man was saying goodbye to his beloved dog who had grown old with him but was about to go the Rainbow Bridge to wait for his Master.

What kind of dog was it? I imagine it was a Terrier, just a small one. He missed being at his Master's side and was probably not eating well, in addition to rapidly fading from this earth.

And the man . . . well, I think he was using his last bit of strength to say "Goodbye, my beloved and trusted friend" before his own body will give up.

Perhaps I will recognize the obituary, because I know it will mention his dog. There are dog "owners" who are just meant to be with their dogs and this man will be back together with his in not too long.

Note: The Rainbow Bridge is where they say dogs wait for their masters in heaven and scamper away with them when they arrive.

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